2022 Bond
As you may know, this bond was issued to support important projects and initiatives within our school district and community, and we are happy to report that we are making significant progress.
We are grateful for the support of our community in making these initiatives possible. We will continue to provide updates on the progress of our bond-funded projects, and we look forward to sharing more good news as it becomes available.
- Background
- Bond Election Information
- General Questions
- Questions about Taxes
- Questions about Voting
- Questions about New Facilities
The bond election process began in 2020 with the formation of a Bond Steering Committee (BSC), which was created to study the needs of the district with a focus on Fredericksburg Middle School. The 27-member committee was made up of a diverse group of parents, staff, community leaders, and residents both new to Fredericksburg and those who were born and raised in the Fredericksburg ISD (FISD).
The BSC toured and analyzed current conditions at Fredericksburg Middle School, heard from district staff working in the building, and reviewed a facility assessment conducted by Huckabee Architects. Following months of review, discussion, and consideration, the BSC presented its recommendationsto the FISD Board on December 14, 2020. The BSC recommended that the Board call for a bond election that would include the construction of a new middle school on a new site, and requested the formation of another committee to determine a use for the current middle school campus.
The Board of Trustees decided to wait on calling a bond election due to other factors in the district, including the Covid-19 pandemic, the search for a new superintendent, and the Board’s desire to do more research and make informed decisions with community input. Between the BSC’s recommendation on December 14, 2020 and the Board’s vote to call a bond election at their February 14, 2022 meeting, FISD
- Purchased land for the new middle school on Friendship Lane
- Developed a conceptual site plan and design for the new middle school
- Prioritized and priced all capital improvement needs in FISD
- Hired LAN Inc., a project management firm, to oversee and confirm cost estimates and projections
Based on the recommendations from the BSC and another year of working with FISD administration and staff to refine the project list, the FISD Board of Trustees voted to call for an $82 million bond election that will go before voters on Saturday, May 7, 2022. The bond proposition will appear on the ballot as a single proposition.
If approved by voters, this bond proposition is not anticipated to result in an increase to the district tax rate.
FISD Citizens Advisory Committee for Educational Facilities
Goal of the Citizens Advisory Committee
The goal of the Citizens Advisory Committee is to involve constituents of Fredericksburg Independent School District (FISD) in evaluating the need for renovated or new facilities for the purpose of supporting quality educational facilities for a middle school campus and other district wide facilities.
Purpose of the Citizens Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Citizens Advisory Committee is to provide facility and equipment recommendations to FISD Board of Trustees after having studied current facilities, educational programs, student population trends associated with the school district, and other data relevant to providing quality educational programs for all students.
Charges to the Committee
The Citizens Advisory Committee represents all stakeholders of Fredericksburg Independent School District and is asked to provide meaningful information to the district by developing recommendations that:
- Considers the educational needs of all students;
- Provides an adequate and appropriate learning environment;
- Is fiscally sound;
- Reflects community values and perceptions of need;
- Includes recommended solutions for aging facilities and program needs;
- Includes recommended solutions for new facilities needed to accommodate future student population growth.
- Are based on current, relevant data and best practices;
- Adheres to law and policy that govern school construction and bond issue requirements; and
- To the extent possible, provides the school district with recommendations that reflect the support of registered voters as measured by a statistically valid community survey.
Parameters for the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
- The Citizens Advisory Committee will be comprised of individuals from the community who represent the diversity and complex interests within FISD and aided by district staff members serving as information providers for the committee.
- Recommendations to the board will be within the allowable financial model established by the Board of Trustees for bond debt service and future anticipated bond schedules.
- Significant recommendations for renovating existing facilities and/or building new facilities will require a source of funding that is only available with a voter supported bond issue.
- If a bond issue is recommended, it should be fiscally conservative, emphasizing cost effective recommended solutions.
- The CAC recommendation(s) should address immediate and future facility needs of the school district to the extent members feel are financially prudent.
- The Citizens Advisory Committee will have access to data and resources provided by FISD in order to develop appropriate facility recommendations.
- The CAC recognizes that the committee’s role is to provide recommendations to the Board of Trustees of Fredericksburg ISD and that the Board of Trustees will determine the structure and content of any potential bond issue.
- The Citizens Advisory Committee agrees to communicate progress and submit information requests to the school district in a timely fashion and provide regular updates to Fredericksburg ISD and community stakeholders.
- The CAC will submit recommendations to FISD early enough for the school district to study the recommendations and to legally call an election if a bond issue is appropriate.
Bond Election Information
The bond proposal addressed projects throughout the District, including the projects below:
- A new Fredericksburg Middle School
- CTE additions and renovations at Fredericksburg High School
- Technology infrastructure improvements
- Safety and security
- Transportation upgrades and additions
- Softball/Baseball Dressing Room addition at Fredericksburg High School
- Weight Room addition at FHS
- Inclusive Playgrounds at Fredericksburg Primary School, Fredericksburg Elementary School, and Stonewall Elementary School
- Outdoor Playground Restrooms at Fredericksburg Primary School
- Stonewall Elementary School Gym improvements
The bond proposal will be presented to voters in one single ballot proposition:
- Proposition A – School Buildings, Infrastructure & Improvements
Fredericksburg community members are encouraged to explore this informational webpage to learn more about what was included in the bond package; how the bond proposal was developed; and how FISD’s conservative fiscal approach currently allows the district to fund capital projects without an increase to the district’s tax rate.
General Questions
- What is going to happen to the current Middle School campus?
- What is a Bond?
- How can bond funds be used?
- Why do you need a bond election?
- Why are we not proposing to build a new high school and moving FMS to the current FHS campus?
What is going to happen to the current Middle School campus?
- The centralization of district departments to enable the removal of portable buildings
- Back-up facility for emergency situations that could arise
- An emergency shelter for the community
- Professional Development space for training
- Community Education space for athletic and fine arts programs
- See the proposed layout here
What is a Bond?
Just as homeowners borrow money in the form of a mortgage to finance the purchase of a home, a school district borrows money in the form of bonds to finance construction, renovation and other capital projects. Both are repaid over time, but in order for a school district to sell bonds, it must go to the voters for approval.
How can bond funds be used?
Bond funds can be used to pay for new buildings, additions, and renovations to existing buildings, land acquisition, technology, buses, and equipment, among other items. By law, bond funds may not be used to fund daily operating expenses, such as salaries or utilities, which are paid for out of the district’s Maintenance & Operation (M&O) budget.
Why do you need a bond election?
School districts are required by law to ask voters for permission to sell bonds to investors in order to pay for capital expenditures for projects like building a new school or making renovations to existing facilities. Districts take out a loan and then pay that loan back over an extended period of time, much like a family takes out a mortgage loan for their house.
Why are we not proposing to build a new high school and moving FMS to the current FHS campus?
Questions about Taxes
- How will the 2022 bond election affect my taxes?
- Why does the ballot say this will be a tax increase?
- How can Fredericksburg ISD afford to issue bonds without an increase to the tax rate?
- Why is there no other way to fund these projects?
- What if I’m 65-years old or older and receive the “senior citizen exemption” and my home values go up? Will my school taxes go up?
How will the 2022 bond election affect my taxes?
Why does the ballot say this will be a tax increase?
Since FISD’s last bond election, the legislature passed a new law requiring school districts to include the language “THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE”, even when the district is not expecting a rate increase. This is because the issuance of new bonds increases the term of the debt repayment at the current rate. The 2022 bond will not impact the tax rate, but will elongate the repayment term at the current rate of 10 cents.
How can Fredericksburg ISD afford to issue bonds without an increase to the tax rate?
Why is there no other way to fund these projects?
Planning for the district’s current and future needs is one of the fundamental duties of school boards and district administrators. As such, there is a constant evaluation of facilities and other needs in light of the age of district-owned structures, changes in technology, and even changes in instruction. When the district determines that it has needs beyond the capacity of the maintenance and operations budget, the Board may issue a bond. The maintenance and operations budget covers the day-to-day expenses of the district, where 77% is directed towards staff salaries and benefits. The Texas Education Agency in the Financial Integrity Ratings System of Texas (Schools FIRST Rating) sets the guideline for school districts to have three months of operating expenditures in fund balance. Maintaining the required fund balance as well as the operational needs of the district (with limited state funding) may restrict districts from building adequate savings to fund facilities and infrastructure needs to accommodate construction costs of building a new facility or repairing and renovating an older one.
What if I’m 65-years old or older and receive the “senior citizen exemption” and my home values go up? Will my school taxes go up?
For residents 65-years and older, their school district tax bill will not increase, even if their property values increase (excluding property improvements) as long as an approved Homestead and Over-65 Exemption application is on file with the Gillespie County Appraisal District, and the property has been owned as of Jan. 1 of the tax year.
Questions about Voting
- Who is eligible to vote in this election?
- What if I’m new to the community and not yet registered to vote?
- How do I know if I’m registered?
- Where can I vote?
Who is eligible to vote in this election?
What if I’m new to the community and not yet registered to vote?
How do I know if I’m registered?
To see if you’re registered, click here https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do
Where can I vote?
Questions about New Facilities
- What is going to happen to the current Middle School campus?
- When will the new Fredericksburg Middle School be occupied?
What is going to happen to the current Middle School campus?
- The centralization of district departments to enable the removal of portable buildings
- Back-up facility for emergency situations that could arise
- An emergency shelter for the community
- Professional Development space for training
- Community Education space for athletic and fine arts programs
- See the proposed layout here