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FISD Brand



In 2021, Fredericksburg ISD began the process of updating the district brand. This communication guide provides guidance on maintaining consistency and ensuring the communications you produce contribute to the strength of the FISD brand.

Branding encompasses many facets of communication. The district logo is a prominent facet, but others include color, fonts, photography and other imagery, language, tone, and style.

This guide is the source of all standards which will change and evolve over time. When beginning a project, please refer to the guide to confirm you are using the most up-to-date information.




We ask that anything you create using our logo(s) be approved by the FISD Communications Department in order to ensure quality expectations and the integrity of the logos created for FISD and its schools. Our District logos are the District's first impression--its identity, its public face. A strong logo, consistently used, will build a positive image for Fredericksburg ISD. Improper or inconsistent use of our logos can quickly undo these efforts, so it is important to understand how to use our logos properly.  This guide will help you achieve the best possible results when using the logo and avoid some common pitfalls.








The fonts used in the logo, body text, and smaller headers are open source fonts from sources such as Google Fonts. This means they are free to download, install, and used for print and web projects. They are generally widely available in other applications.

Logo Font: Open Sans
Tagline Font: Times

When the brand fonts are not available, here are some
acceptable substitutions that can be used to keep a
consistent look and feel for the brand.
Open Sans Substitutions:
Helvetica Neue
Sans Serif
Times Substitutions
Times New Roman