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Your Board of Trustees, comprised of seven local citizens, provides an important public service to the Fredericksburg ISD community and serves without compensation. In accordance with the Texas Elections Code, Fredericksburg ISD calls Board elections on the first Saturday in May of each year. Board elections are held at various locations across the District and Gillespie County. Vacancies occurring after the election are filled by appointment until the next election is conducted.

Specific information on upcoming elections, including the election calendar and filing deadlines, will be posted on this page as it becomes available. General information and statutory requirements regarding elections are available in Board policy: BBA (Legal) and BBB (Legal) (Local).

The Fredericksburg Independent School District hereby cancels the election scheduled to be held on May 4, 2024 in accordance with Section 2.053(a) of the Texas Election Code.

The following candidates have been certified as unopposed and are hereby elected as follows:

  • Judge Edwards, School Board Trustee
  • Rusty Jenschke, School Board Trustee

A copy of this order will be posted on Election Day at each polling place that would have been used in the election.
Click here for Gillespie County Election information.

Candidate Information