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Public Participation

The Board has set aside a public participation time during open meetings so that citizens may have the opportunity to address the Board regarding an item on an open meeting agenda. The Trustees are pleased to listen to opinions and constructive statements that will help them make informed decisions. Your interest in Fredericksburg ISD is appreciated and welcome.

Public Participation Terms

In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov’t Code  §551.007, each member of the public who desires to address the Board regarding an item on an agenda for an open meeting shall be allowed to address the Board regarding that item before or during the Board’s consideration of the item. The Board will decide the order of public comment. A public member’s presentation to the Board shall not exceed three (3) minutes on a given agenda item.

In accordance with BED (LOCAL) the Board shall allot a reasonable amount of time to hearing persons who desire to make comments to the Board and may adjust time as it deems necessary to give everyone who wishes to speak to the Board an opportunity to do so. However, no individual shall be given less than one minute to make comments. If a speaker requires an interpreter, the speaker is asked to notify the District in advance of the meeting so that a reasonable accommodation may be made. If no interpreter is present and/or simultaneous translation equipment is not available, the speaker will be allotted twice the amount of time as a member of the public who does not require the assistance of a translator on a given agenda item to address the Board.

Please be advised that the Board may not discuss or act on matters that are not properly posted for action on the Board’s posted agenda. In accordance with Board Policy BED (LOCAL) the Board will not tolerate disruption of the meeting by members of the audience.

In accordance with BED (Legal), Public Comments, a board shall allow each member of the public who desires to address the board regarding an item on an agenda for an open meeting of the board to address the board regarding the item at the meeting before or during the board's consideration of the item.

In accordance with BE (Legal), Recording by Attendee, a person in attendance may record all or any part of an open meeting of a board by means of a recorder, video camera, or other means of aural or visual reproduction. A board may adopt reasonable rules to maintain order at a meeting, including rules relating to the location of recording equipment and the manner in which the recording is conducted. A rule adopted under this provision may not prevent or unreasonably impair a person from exercising a right granted under this provision. -Gov't Code 551.023

Public participation time is not intended for the presentation of grievances. The Board will only consider grievances that remain unresolved after the grievance has been presented through the appropriate Board policy and administrative remedies have been fully exhausted. At that time, and consistent with Board policy, such grievance will then be placed on the agenda. For further information on the requirement for filing a grievance, contact the Director of School Leadership. 

The District grievance policy FNG (LOCAL) may be found online at

Public Comment Request Form

Request to Address the Fredericksburg ISD Board of Trustees


All requests to address the Board should be turned in to the Board Secretary or designee 2-hours prior to the meeting being called to order.

Per policy BED (LOCAL), the presiding officer or designee shall determine whether an individual addressing the Board has attempted to solve a matter administratively through resolution channels established by policy. If not, the individual shall be referred to the appropriate policy to seek resolution:

  • Employee Complaints: DGBA
  • Student or Parent Complaints: FNG
  • Public Complaints: GF
Have you tried to resolve your concern by following the proper channels and first conferencing with the appropriate administrator?required
Name of Person Making Requestrequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Agenda Number and Letter Must be Included (For Example: 1.A.)
Will you be speaking in support of or in opposition of the administration recommendation?required
Will You Require a Translator/Interpreter?requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
Terms of Servicerequired